18 Undeniable Signs You Went To High School In A Small Town
1. You and your siblings had the same teachers and textbooks, even though you're practically decades apart. Twitter: @Ballermom64 2. Your teachers also always doubled as your coaches. Twitter: @megdennis713 3. Your field trips were usually underwhelming and five minutes away from your school. aprilnicole56 / Via instagram.com 4. You probably dated one of your friend's exes because your options were limited. Paramount 5. Your idea of hanging out was probably loitering in a parking lot or in some field. Twitter: @SmallTwnProbs 6. But you couldn't hang out TOO late because your town had a curfew for minors. Disney 7. You were forced to sell World's Finest Chocolate bars for literally any school event. dalmationsme / Via instagram.com 8. You were probably late to school once or twice because you got stuck behind a damn tracto...